Wednesday, July 28, 2010

का कुणास ठाऊक...

का कुणास ठाऊक...
कधी वाटते काही बोलावे.....पण शब्दच सुचत नाही.

का कुणास ठाऊक...
कधी वाटते काही लिहावे.....पण शब्दच सुचत नाही.

का कुणास ठाऊक...
कधी वाटते काही सांगावे.....पण शब्दच सुचत नाही.

का कुणास ठाऊक...
कधी वाटते काही मांडावे.....पण शब्दच सुचत नाही.

का कुणास ठाऊक...
कधी वाटते हे तर फार सोप आहे.....पण नेमकं तेव्हाच ते जमत नाही.

म्हणूनच म्हणतो .....का कुणास ठाऊक!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

लाभेल आम्हास भाग्य बोलतो मराठी..........

लाभेल आम्हास भाग्य बोलतो मराठी...
जाहलो खरेच धन्य ऐकतो मराठी

धर्म, पंथ, जात एक जाणतो मराठी
एवढ्या जगात माय मानतो मराठी.

For the first time ever, over 450 artistes have lent their voices for a single song - the Marathi Abhimaan Geet - launched in Thane on Marathi Bhasha Diwas - February 27. The song, penned by noted Marathi poet Suresh Bhat, has been set to tune by well known composer Kaushal Inamdar. The song that took 1 and quarter years in the making- with 112 established singers and a chorus line of 356 singers from all over Maharashtra.

लाभले अम्हास भाग्य बोलतो मराठी
जाहलो खरेच धन्य ऐकतो मराठी
धर्म, पंथ, जात एक जाणतो मराठी
एवढ्या जगात माय मानतो मराठी

आमुच्या मनामनात दंगते मराठी
आमुच्या रगारगात रंगते मराठी
आमुच्या उराउरात स्पंदते मराठी
आमुच्या नसानसात नाचते मराठी

आमुच्या पिलापिलात जन्मते मराठी
आमुच्या लहानग्यात रंगते मराठी
आमुच्या मुलामुलीत खेळते मराठी
आमुच्या घराघरात वाढते मराठी

आमुच्या कुलाकुलात नांदते मराठी
येथल्या फुलाफुलात हासते मराठी
येथल्या दिशादिशात दाटते मराठी
येथल्या नगानगात गर्जते मराठी

येथल्या दरीदरीत हिंडते मराठी
येथल्या वनावनात गुंजते मराठी
येथल्या तरुलतात साजते मराठी
येथल्या कळीकळीत लाजते मराठी

येथल्या नभामधून वर्षते मराठी
येथल्या पिकांमधून डोलते मराठी
येथल्या नद्यांमधून वाहते मराठी
येथल्या चराचरात राहते मराठी

Watch the Marathi Abhimaan Geet here:

जय मराठी!! जय महाराष्ट्र!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

हंबरून वासाराले ..... आई.

Here is one of the best poem I ever heard, the poem describes a Mother - आई. The poem is translated by Narayan Surve from original Hindi poem.

हंबरून वासाराले चाटते जवा गाय,
तवा मले तिच्या मन्धी, दिसती माझी माय...
दिसती माझी माय.....
रे हंबरून वासाराले..... ||धृ||

आया बाया सांगत होत्या, होता जवा तहना ,
दुष्काळात मायेच्या माझे आटला होता पाहणा,
पीठा मन्धी.... पीठा मन्धी... पीठा मन्धी पाणी टाकून मले पाजत जाये,
तवा मला पीठा मन्धी दिसती माझी माय....
दिसती माझी माय....
रे हंबरून वासाराले..... ||१||

काण्या काठ्या येचायला मायी जाई रानी...
पायात नसे वहान तिच्या, फिरे अनवाणी,
काट्या-कुट्या.. र काट्या-कुट्या.. काट्या-कुट्या लाही तीच मानत नसे पाय...
तवा मला काट्या मन्धी दिसती माझी माय....
दिसती माझी माय....
रे हंबरून वासाराले..... ||२ ||

बाप माझा रोज लावी मायेच्या माघ टुमण,
बास झाल सिकशान आता घेउदे हाती काम,
आग शिकूनशान.... शिकूनशान.... शिकूनशान कुठ मोठा मास्तर होणार हाय,
तवा मला मास्तर मन्धी दिसती माझी माय....
दिसती माझी माय....
रे हंबरून वासाराले..... ||३||

दारू पिऊन मायेला मारी जवा माझा बाप,
दारू पिऊन मायेला मारी जवा माझा बाप,
थर थर कापे आन लागे तिले धाप....
कसायाच्या... कसायाच्या... कसायाच्या दावणीला बांधली जसी गाय...
तवा मले गायी मन्धी दिसती माझी माय....
दिसती माझी माय....
रे हंबरून वासाराले..... ||४||

अन बोलता बोलता एकदा तिच्या डोळा आल पाणी,
सांग म्हणे, राजा तुझी कवा दिसलं राणी,
अन भरल्या डोळ्यां...अन भरल्या डोळ्यां... भरल्या डोळ्यां कवा पाहीन दुधावरची साय
तवा मले सायी मन्धी दिसती माझी माय....
दिसती माझी माय....
रे हंबरून वासाराले..... ||५||

ग म्हणून म्हणतो आनंदानी भरावी तुझी ओटी,
पुन्हा एकदा जलम घ्यावा माये तुझे पोटी,
ग म्हणून म्हणतो आनंदानी भरावी तुझी ओटी,
पुन्हा एकदा जलम घ्यावा माये तुझे पोटी,
तुझा चरणी.... तुझा चरणी.... तुझा चरणी ठेऊन माह्या धराव तुझ पाय,
तवा मले पाया मन्धी दिसती माझी माय....
दिसती माझी माय....
रे हंबरून वासाराले..... ||६||

र हंबरून वासाराले चाटते जवा गाय,
तवा मले तिच्या मध्ये, दिसती माझी माय...
दिसती माझी माय..... दिसती माझी माय.....

..... नारायण सुर्वे.

The same poem is sung by Jitendra Joshi and can be found on on below link

Great thanks to both of them...... and great salute to "आई" .

टीप : कृपया काही शब्द चुकले असल्यास क्षमा असावी....! हा फक्त एक प्रामाणिक प्रयत्न आहे, ही कविता तुमच्या पर्यंत पोहचवण्याचा. धन्यवाद.!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Todays IT Professionals and Five Monkeys

Today I remember one story you all might know it. But still like to put here again. It reminded me – of quite a few of the organizations I have seen. Over the years, all firms develop routines, habits and practices, which we call the firm’s “organisational culture”. As I am sure you know, these cultures can be remarkably different, in terms of what sort of behavior they value and what they don’t like to see, and what they punish. Always, these habits and conventions have been developed over the course of many years. Very often, nobody actually remembers why they were started in the first place... Quite possibly, the guy with the water hose has long gone.

The story goes like this...
There was an interesting experiment that started with five monkeys in a cage. A banana hung inside the cage with a set of steps placed underneath it. After a while, a monkey went to the steps and started to climb towards the banana, but when he touched the steps, he set off a spray that soaked all the other monkeys with cold water. Another monkey tried to reach the banana with the same result. It didn't take long for the monkeys to learn that the best way to stay dry was to prevent any monkey from attempting to reach the banana.

The next stage of the experiment was to remove the spray from the cage and to replace one of the monkeys with a new one. Of course, the new monkey saw the banana and went over to climb the steps. To his horror, the other monkeys attacked him. After another attempt, he learnt that if he touched the steps, he would be assaulted.

Next, another of the original five was replaced with a new monkey. The newcomer went to the steps and was attacked. The previous newcomer joined in the attack with enthusiasm!

Then, a third monkey was replaced with a new one and then a fourth. Every time a newcomer approached the steps, he was attacked. Most of the monkeys beating him had no idea why they were not allowed to climb the steps or why they were joining in the beating of the newest monkey.

After replacing the fifth monkey, none of the monkeys had ever been sprayed with water. Still, no monkey ever approached the steps. Why not? Because as far as they knew it was the way it had always been done around here... and that is how company policy begins.

So you must have got now why the title is........ just decide if you want to be new Monkey in the cage or .....???

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rupee joins elite currency club......

The Indian rupee will soon have a unique symbol, a blend of the Devanagri 'Ra' and Roman 'R', joining elite currencies like the US dollar, British pound ,euro and Japanese yen in having a distinct identity (shown in the picture aside left to right). So finally we got our own identity for our Rupee.

Though the symbol will not be printed or embossed on currency notes or coins, it would be included in the 'Unicode Standard' and major scripts of the world to ensure that it is easily displayed and printed in the electronic and print media.

Among currencies with distinctive identities, only the pound sterling has its symbol printed on the notes.

So finally worlds biggest economy got its identity..... hope this will take India on very high levels....

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Paule chalati Pandharichi waat......Part II

In this world of computer and iPods where all we so called high techie peoples are found with our laptop or iPods. Excluding the sleep time almost we are near or in the computer or listening to iPods (just to show I am a Dude). I think due to our so called techie life (actually a donkeys life -- gadho wala life-- who just work for his master), we try to prove how we are very educated and living in the high society (where nobody care about anybody -- all are selfish). I think we are going away from our tradition.

Today I came across one website dedicated to Waari. It was really a very pleasant surprise to me when I go this website. The concept of 'IT Dindee' is really good; I think this will help in keeping our tradition alive. I think this a good movement done by this IT peoples to spread their thoughts to the world and as well as passing the info regarding Waari. I think the site is very well designed and very informative. I really want to congratulate and thanks the peoples who taken this initiative and created a really great work. So in the words of Waari, I should say them Mauli(s)(All waarkari in this waari called each other as Mauli). This is really great to see the technology embedded with spirituality. The details regarding Waari was till in Marathi now this will be available in English and will reach lot of peoples. I want to take chance here to wish this site very all the best......... Vithal Vithal... Pandurang Hari.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bharat Bandh...????

It is very difficult to me to understand the meaning of Bandh. Today before the Bandh starts the news comes out that in Nagpur 12 buses were cracked. Do this people doesn't know they are loosing their property only. They are hurting themselves, this will affect them only, with increase in the prices, in the form of hike in tickets and taxes or in other ways.
I think they are not the one whome we should blame for this. The actual villans are behind them. But its very difficult to teach such people. I think the Peolpe who calls the Bandh, should learn first the meaning of Bandh. They should not force their idea on others. If they wish to protest they should, but not by forcing other to do so.
I think we should understand why we are doing the Bandh and how to work out this. This is surely not the way whatever happened in Nagpur. Hope today whole country will have silent Bandh without any violence...... else they should remember nobody rather than themselves are going to pay for the same.....

Some questions in my mind comes as, do we really require such Bandh? Are our oppositions not so strong that they can solve such cases in House only? If Bandh is unavoidable, then do we really know the meaning of Bandh? Who should call and participant in Bandh? ... ???

Paule chalati Pandharichi wat......A Journey to Pandharpur.

Gyanoba..Mauli...Tukaram. Gyanoba..Mauli...Tukaram. ..Vithal Vithal ... Pandurang... Pandurang.
The sound of this sweet lines are started on the roads of Pune every year in the month of Ashadi. The Warkaries who are really geart bhakt of god Vithal, I wish to give them a grand salute. These people who don't care about the distance, rain or hot weather and travels hundreds of kilometers. Here are some lines which I wish to share.....

In the state of Maharashtra the month of
Ashadh is very important in the eyes of Waarkaries(devotees). In this month Ashadhi Ekadasi Waari of Pandharpur which culminates on the ekadasi day in Ashadi month. Millions of people participate in the Pandarpur Yatra and the journey is known as Waari in Marathi, meaning a holy pilgrimage. The three-week long walk by foot from Dehu to Pandarpur covers nearly 450 kilometers. The aim of all the Warkaris is to reach Pandharpur and offer their respects to Lord Vithal, an incarnation of Lord Krishna, and emulate Sant Jnaneshwar(1275-1296) (ज्ञानेश्वर in Marathi) and Sant Tukaram(1608-1650). Pandharpur is one of the most famous pilgrimage in state of Maharastra. This Yatra is annual pilgrimage trek of 21 days. This year Pandharpur yatra palki of great saint Tukaram Maharaj will start on 3rd July and will end on 21st July on Ashadi Ekadasi.

The yatra begins from the Sant Tukaram temple at Dehu (is about 30 kms from the city of Pune and about 130 kms from Mumbai) and ends at Vitthala Rukmini temple at Pandharpur. The Saint Dyaneshwar Palki which starts from Alandi Devachi (is about 25 kms from the city of Pune and about 151 kms from Mumbai) after Sant Tukaram's Palkhi and these two then meet at Pune during the pilgrimage. From here they take different route and meet at Wakhri near Pandarpur.

The picture above shows the images of Saint Dyaneshwar(left) and Sant Tukaram.

Pandharpur temple
Pandharpur is located in Solapur district of Maharashtra. It is known for Vithoba temple or Vitthal Rukmini temple. The temple is located on the banks of the Bhima river, also known as Chandrabhaga. It is about 65 km west of Sholapur. The nearest airport is Pune which is 204 kms from Pandharpur. It is well connected by railways and Kurduwadi railway junction but the convenient railhead is Solapur that is about 72 kms from the shrine. At the end of this yatra i.e. when the Palkis reaches Pandharpur, all the Warkaris takes bath in the Chandrabhaga and then starts in the queue to meet the Vithoba.

Image: The picture above shows Vithoba-Rukhumai.

Pandharichi Waari
It is one of the most famous pilgrimage in Maharastra that draws more than 10 lakh devotees. There are many Palkis which starts and meets on the same day at Pandharpur. The very famous ones are Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palaki, Dehu(Pune), Sant Dyaneshwar Mauli Palki, Alandi Devachi(Pune), Sant Nivrutinath Maharaj Palki, Trimbakeshwar(Nashik).
There are 2 yatras in a year, one during Ashadhi ekadasi and another during Kartik Ekadasi. It is believed that Pandharpur Ashadhi ekadasi wari has been taking place for more than 700 years, first started by the parents of Saint Dyaneshwar in the 13th century. The procession that is there in the current form was started by Tukaram’s son Narayana maharaj. This yatra of Pandharpur is an unparalleled pilgrimage that breaks barriers of caste, creed, rich and poor. The main palaki, the Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi procession starts at the Dehu temple and numerous other palkhis are taken from other towns and villages that join on the way. This yatra is a classic example of unparalleled devotion to a personal deity of Lord Panduranga. Thousands and thousands of devotees take part in the yatra and every year the number only increases. Young-old, rich-poor, able-disable, all sorts of people walk barefooted chanting the holy names of Lord Vitthala. People are seen blissful who chant and dance. The yatra travels to Pune city, Alandi and finally reach Pandharpur on 21st day on the previous day of Ashadhi Ekadasi.
The Sant just don't say they do as they say. Like Sant Tuakram who said "jati dharma sarwa amangal (Religion-Caste all are Portentous) " the Sant Tukaram Palki stops at Hajrat Sayyad Angadshah baba Dargha, every warkari visit this Dargha every year while traveling to Pandharpur and takes the blessing from this Dargha.

This yatra shows how to live, how to think, how to work and lot more things about life. The all warkaries are the great inspiration to me...... hope such kind of Yatras keep going....
Gyanoba..Mauli...Tukaram. Gyanoba..Mauli...Tukaram. ..Vithal Vithal ... Pandurang... Pandurang.