Sunday, August 15, 2010

Freedom.... Really we got it???

For me the freedom is the belief that one person can't make a difference, and the fear of standing out from the crowd and challenging authority. Freedom is self-determinance; it is the condition of minimal constraint. Naturally, in a society or community, there has to be some constraints — the burglar cannot have the freedom to steal, the thug cannot have the freedom to mug, and the businessman cannot have the freedom to excessively pollute and pay no taxes. But get the balance between personal freedom, social order and ecological integrity right, and the vast majority of citizens can live happily with moderate personal freedom and minimal constraints.

Even after 63 years of independent, we still have lot of problems. Before independance British were ruling. Now politicians and big business man are ruling. Peoples are still not feeling independent. So question arises in my mind do we really got the freedom?? As I found in Bharat, there is a big barrier between the two classes. I think we need to be united and make the others to come with us. For me Bharat will be independent only when all have the same rights and no barriers between two classes. To make our Bharat, which is in every Bharatiys dream, we need to spread the knowledge, wealth and whatever you can do for others. I will be really feel we are independent when every single Bharatiya will feel he is safe, satisfied and happy in Bharat. I think its duty of every well educated person to educate at least one person who can't or not able to get the education facility. For me education is the only key to be independent.

Jai Hind.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

SIDDHAGIRI MUSEUM........A village life

Today while surrffing on net I found one website which was very interactive and attractive. Looking at the site it looks a good initiative and well maintained project. On site it shows its purpose as to show the village life. A unique project, perhaps the only project in India situated at Shri Kshetra Siddhagiri Math, Kaneri, Tal. Karveer, Dist. Kolhapur. The place is near Kolhapur city on Pune Banglore Highway. Shri Kshetra Siddhagiri Math has a history of more than 1000 years, and is a holy place of worship of Lord Mahadeva. The surrounding around the museum is very calm and quiet, a hilly place with a good collection of Flora and Fauna.

you can find the more details on below link.

All the best to this project.

मैत्र.... ज्याला अर्थ कळला तोच खरा मित्र.

मैत्री दिन!!!
आज १ ऑगस्ट, या महिन्याचा पहिला रविवार, दर वर्षी प्रमाणे आज सगळे मैत्री दिन (Friendship Day) साजरा करेल. आपल्याकडे दिवस कोणी गेल्यावर घालतात... मग मित्र जिवंत असताना कसला दिवस पाळतात ते मला आता पर्यंत कळले नाही..... मैत्र.... ज्याला अर्थ कळला तोच खरा मित्र, एवढे पुरेस नाही का ?? त्यासाठी काही दिवस घालायची खरच गरज आहे का ?? जर मैत्रीची आठवणच करून दयायची असेल तर ती मैत्री कसली.

तरीही माझा तर्फे सर्व मित्रांना या मैत्री दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्या..!!!